South African Geomatics Council

Equipment for sale

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Date entered Equipment Price Contact
25 Sept 2024

Trimble 5700 5800 GPS set for Sale

1 x Trimble 5700 GPS Receiver
1 x Trimble 5800 GPS Receiver
1 x Trimble PDL Radio
1 x TSC2 Controller
All cables and Pelicase

R59 000.00

Further details of all the equipment.

Please contact Jonathan Kingston
+27 83 691 9019
3 May 2024

A Range of Trimble Equipment and Accessories

2 x Beacon / GPS station units
9 x Trimble Junos
2 x Trimble Geo XTs
1 x Trimble Geo XH
1 x Trimble Recon
2 x Trimble Geoexplorers
1 x Trimble Antennae pole
1 x Trimble heavy duty tripod

And lots of chargers and associate cables

Highest offer for the entire collection

Further details of all the equipment.

Please contact Ben Cobbing
+27 82 655 9461
13 July 2023 8 x Total Stations available for sale as per the attached list

Further details of all the equipment.

Please contact Norman Stuart
+27 83 407 7560
20 Mar 2023

FUJIYAMA FYTS682 Electronic Total Station

2" Accuracy and includes a single prism and target

R20 000.00 -- onco

Please contact Thomas Müller
+27 76 544 2747
14 Mar 2023 Trimble GPS Survey Instrument for sale

Includes two 4400 receivers with one Base in a Trimble carry case and one Rover in a Trimble back pack and a TSC1 Controller. The Base and Rover each has a transmitter/receiver radio for communication between the Base and Rover. And 2x Compact L1/L2 antennae. Also includes a sturdy Trimble carry case for the batteries. Plus the Trimble Geomatics Office Software on a CD.

R35 000.00 - onco

Please contact Thomas I Müller
+27 76 544 2747
28 Feb 2023


Bought in May 2022
flown approx 2 hours for training.

R18 000.00

Please contact Conrad Kowalik
+27 83 700 9712
23 Sept 2022 eSurvey E300 Pro RTK Base + Rover with UT32 + Field genius for Android

R145 000.00

Further details of all the equipment.

Please contact Andre Nortje
+27 76 950 7989

Equipment to buy

Date entered Equipment Price Contact

Equipment STOLEN

Equipment Details Contact Tel / e-mail Date

Trimble R4 receiver
TSC3 controller

5530422737 RS3PC79404

Thomas Reiner
Geomatics - Information & Knowledge Management Department
Cape Town
Thomas Reiner

Tel: 021 487 2394
Cell: 072 677 4844

The GPS was stolen from our survey vehicle at Mitchells Plain Town Centre on the  16th Sept 2019 

Leica RTK GNSS receiver


Rory Conway

Stott, Milton & Conway 2019.09.05

The GPS was stolen from survey vehicle during peak hour traffic in Umtata on the 20th August 2019. 

Nikon NPR352

S/N 010807

Mulatedzi Dali Dept CG HS TA
066 484 0001 / 082 559 0089
email Mulatedzi Dali
Police case no CAS 718/06/2019 Polokwane, Limpopo

Nikon NPR352

S/N 010988

This equipment was stolen from stores at Dept Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs, Polokwane, Limpopo. Purchased on 22 Sept 2009   May 2019

Trimble R8s Rover with transport case

Serial number 5702R14204

Eggie Olivier .......... 082 8799783

Erens Olivier .......... 082 954 0262

Johann Lubbe ........ 083 754 0467

email Eggie Olivier


Trimble R8s Base with transport case

Serial number 5701R13906
This equipment was stolen in Klerksdorp  13 June 2018



Colin Davis
NPM Geomatics
Esme Blom

If anyone is offered this TSC3, they must please return it to us.  NPM Geomatics is happy to pay a return fee for the TSC.
East London office       043-721 2125      - 8 Anderson Road
Port St John's office     072-383-8400      - Ferry Point Road

Pacific Crest Radio
Adl Vantage 430-480 MHz
Serial no 14190544 D W Lambert
Diesel & Munns Inc
Daun Lambert
GAT2 Gainflex Radio Antenna details
The equipment was stolen in Raithby, Western Cape, on 31 Jan 2018

Wild Total  Station

3x GPS post processing ASHTEC receivers

receiver nos
B4420A ; B1770A , B3754A

Steve Copley 2016.03.17

The equipment listed above was stolen from my vehicle parked in Harding Street, Estcourt, KZN, outside the Post Office  11 March 2016 

Nikon Vivo 5.c with Ceasar onboard Serial number C201896 Norval Kriel Umzali Civils



One of our instruments were stolen during a hijacking in Gugulethu, Cape Town.  20 Feb 2015 

Leica TC407 Serial number 699734 Siya Khanyeza 031 907 7461
083 485 3703
This instrument was last seen at Mangosuthu University of Technology on  15 August 2014 .
It has disappeared from MUT with a battery, charger and a trig beacon plate.
Sokkia Set330RK3 Total Station Serial Number 163761 Johan Meiring 083 2250092
Total Station STOLEN on the   30 June 2014 , in an orange case.
The item went missing either in Sunridge Park or Kempston Road on the way to GM in North End, Port Elizabeth.