South African Geomatics Council

Conference Papers

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inserted 24 October 2017
2017 Geomatics Indaba
21 - 23 August 2017 .....  2017 Industry track Proceedings (80 pages - 8.23 MB)

page 2        Efficient Automated Scan Data Registration Utilizing Calibrated Reflectance Provided by
                     RIEGL Waveform LiDAR
                     Christoph Fürst, Harald Teufelsbauer : RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems, Austria,

Page 13      mSCOA, National Treasury RT25-2016 and the GEO-Spatial Property Register
                     Janet Channing - MD of MetGovis (Pty) Ltd,
                     Wynand van der Walt - Geomatics Technologist, and
                     Jenny Barnard - Geomatics Professional

page 35      The National Spatial Economic Opportunity Atlas (NSEOA):
                     A tool for multi-sectoral spatial development planning.
                     Mfanafuthi Gama, Enkosi Mpondo, Sue Bannister

page 47      Planning for Hospital Services
                     Francois Venter - Gauteng Department of Health

page 58      The complexities of formal and informal tenure over land occupied by Traditional
                     Communities in the Transkeian Territories of South Africa
                     Chris Williams-Wynn, South Africa

page 72      Why One Household One Hectare?
                     Melissa Akoue Mve - Surveyor-General: Western Cape, South Africa